

We are making environmental sustainability key to our manufacturing and supply chain processes.

To extend our impact, we are also working with partners across our value chain to make their operations more sustainable.





Target (March 2025) Reduce specific energy consumption by 50% compared to FY 12
Progress (March 23) Reduce specific energy by 17%


Target(March 2025) Increase renewable energy portfolio to 70%
Progress (March 23) Increased renewable energy portfolio to 68%


Target (March 2025) Become water positive
Progress (March 23) Reduced specific water consumption by 46%


Target (March 2025) Have zero waste to landfill
Progress (March 23) Reduced specific waste to landfill by 86%


Target(March 2025) Become carbon neutral
Progress (March 23) 66% reduction in specific greenhouse gas emissions

Our Green Goals


Carbon Neutrality

We aspire to achieve a status of net zero carbon emissions. This means balancing a measured amount of carbon that is released into the environment with an equivalent amount offset


Water Positivity

Water positivity means returning to the planet more water than we consume while manufacturing our products. We are aiming to achieve water positivity by implementing the 3R strategy of reduce, reuse
and recycle


Zero Waste to Landfil

We are working to reduce hazardous and solid waste generation, increase recycling of waste, and ensure that the waste generated at our sites is not sent to landfill


Reduce Specific Energy

We are reducing the energy consumed to manufacture each unit of our products by 50 per cent, through process re-engineering, energy conservation and
efficiency projects


Increase Renewable

We are reducing the energy consumed to manufacture each unit of our products by 70 per cent, through process re-engineering, energy conservation and efficiency projects



Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation

Chemical business is an energy intensive business. All our processes are aligned to improve energy efficiency that helps us


Chemical business is an energy intensive business. All our processes are aligned to improve energy efficiency that helps us in our goal to reduce specific energy and in turn our overall carbon footprint. Our flagship manufacturing plant Valia site is ISO 50001:2018 certified and our Ambernath Plant is now Responsible Care Certified. . We constantly invest in new and innovative green technologies. One such example is the heat recovery unit in our sulphonation plant.


Our energy conservation initiatives include using effective and resource efficient processes, equipment and technologies. Our initiatives of replacing Natural gas-based air Heater with steam-based Heater and High-Pressure Heat exchanger in FSP which led to Feed rate increased by 33% to 200 MT/Day.

Also streamlined capacity of pumps, compressors, motors, cooling towers and other systems to improve system efficiency. Moreover, we have commissioned energy efficient screw blower in place of conventional lobe blower in one of our detergent plants.


Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

To increase our renewable energy portfolio, we utilize manufacturing by-products in energy production, use biomass briquettes, and solar energy.


To increase our renewable energy portfolio, we utilize manufacturing by-products in energy production, use biomass briquettes, and solar energy.


Our Valia and Ambernath plants also fulfill their energy requirements through their solar rooftop installations, of 315 KWp and 189 KWp respectively. From October 2020, we started getting power from our wind turbines to our GIL Ambernath manufacturing plant. We have installed our Cogeneration plant to reduce our dependency on fossil fuel and to fulfil our complete electricity requirement through it apart from steam generation.

In 2022-23, close to 68 % of energy we consumed has been derived from renewable sources.


Effluent Management

Effluent Management

Both our manufacturing sites at Valia and Ambernath are zero liquid discharge facilities (ZLD).


Both our manufacturing sites at Valia and Ambernath are zero liquid discharge facilities (ZLD). We treat wastewater in our water treatment plants and reuse the same in our process. We have also reduced our dependency on freshwater consumption by installing condensate recovery systems and reusing the water in the process. Recently, our Valia plant has installed fourth stage in reverse osmosis plant of 20 m3/hr, which shall help to reduce our freshwater consumption even more.

The four watershed projects at the Group level ensures that we’re a water positive Group company. The watersheds are implemented in regions that are dependent on agriculture, and the resultant higher water table ensures year-round cropping. The projects cover over 12,000 ha of land and help restore the ecological balance of the region. We captured over 23 million m3 in FY21-22 that over 7x of our water usage across Godrej Industries Group companies


Water Management

Water Management

Water is a primal part of our operations and one of our key material aspects. We continually evaluate and implement innovative projects


Water is a primal part of our operations and one of our key material aspects. We continually evaluate and implement innovative projects to reduce specific water consumption and to recycle and reuse water.


Our BacComber project is unique in saving water as well as energy. The system compromises of electromagnetism and ionisation process to treat water with no added chemicals. Its effective in controlling bacteria, algae & slime, corrosion and scale formation. It has higher cycle of concentration than conventional system and saves energy with better controlling scale

We conducted a detailed water audit in Valia aligned with our goals. We identified and attended various leakages.

Moreover, we have done a study of IOT server for smart water metering in plant, and the project is under evaluation.


Waste Management

Waste Management

We ensure a conscious use of materials and manufacturing processes that produces minimal waste.


We ensure a conscious use of materials and manufacturing processes that produces minimal waste. We are conscious about our plastic waste and In the reporting year, we processed 100% of the plastic waste we put out as per EPR (Extended producer responsibility) compliance.


Our team brainstormed and changed the bleacher regeneration process which led in reduction in the final spent activated carbon generation. In line with our vision to become world class manufacturing plant we started our journey of 5S in our manufacturing facilities in FY20 and in the reporting year, our Valia Plant got 5S certified and now our Ambernath Plant is under way of Implementation of 5S at workplace. We reduced wastage of wooden pallets via repairing and reusing them in the plant. We have also presented 5S case studies in Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI) competition & other national and international competitions and have bagged 21 awards in quality control in quality control circles